Friday, December 7, 2012

Keeping away the winter blues

I want to share this with all of you because it has changed my life! I don't how many of you have kids or are constantly around them. One thing is for sure, during the fall & winter months we can expect the flu and cold germs to become a guest in our home. I want to share with all of you a safe, natural and effective way of helping those bugs go bye bye.

If you didn't know I love Essential Oils! I have found throughout the years that essential oils are one of the best gift's for our health from mother nature. For years I have been mixing  a special blend that helps fight flu's cold, and other germs and using it on everyone in my family. But great news no mixing for you guys! DoTerra came to the rescue with an amazing product called On Guard.
On Guard Essential Oil Blend from Doterra
This fabulous product is so simple to use you will soon become addicted to it. I'm gonna list some info about the this product and how you use it but before I do let me share what DoTerra has to say about it.

"On Guard®
Protective Blend

On Guard is dōTERRA®'s unique, proprietary blend formulated to support healthy immune function. Wild orange essential oil, combined with clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary offer a fragrant, natural and effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support. On Guard, with its unique aroma, is one of our most versatile blends. It is also safe to use on counter tops, as a non-toxic way to cleanse surfaces, or to purify the atmosphere by diffusing. On Guard is superb for eliminating and controlling pathogens due to the potency of its constituents. For aromatic, topical, or dietary use." Copied from Doterra's site.

This Oil blend smells fabulous and really works well. I know you don't want to hear me babbling any more and want me to get to the good part. Well let me just say a few more words. The oils used in this blend have been known to not only help boost the immune system but also ward off and kill some of the common everyday germs. 

Now to the good stuff :D

Uses for On Guard:
  1. Hand Sanitizer: Simply add it to your favorite liquid soap, or into a small spray bottle with rubbing alcohol or Vodka/ water solution for a quick hand sanitizer.
  2. Cold Flu Rub: mix 5 drops with 1/2 tsp of coconut or olive oil and rub on the chest, back and bottom of the feet when experiencing symptoms of the Cold or Flu.
  3.  Put 10 drops in 20 oz of water in a spray bottle mix it well and use it to spray door knobs, light switches, kids toys, counter tops, bedding etc.
  4. You can add a few drops to your laundry specially babies laundry to help sanitize it with out the harsh chemicals of bleach.
  5. Use it in a Oil diffuser to help neutralize odors in the air as well as get rid of air born germs that  can cause one to get re infected with the cold or flu virus. 

The Alcohol / water mix:

  • Get 3 oz of rubbing alcohol or Vodka 90 proof and add 10 - 15 drops or On Guard and mix well.
  • then add about 1/3 oz - 1/2 oz of distilled water. (add the water little bits at a time so it doesn't turn the solution cloudy if you want a clear liquid) cloudiness will not affect the way it work it just doesn't look pretty.

Oil Diffuser:

Lotus Diffuser from DoTerra 
 "The Lotus diffuser uses a highly efficient real time atomization technology to effectively diffuse essential oils into the environment. The essential oils are atomized into minute ion particles and active oxygen anions, which are more easily absorbed by the human body than oils diffused by conventional diffusers. dōTERRA® is pleased to be the exclusive distributor of the Lotus diffuser to you and your family." from Doterra site.


Like always consult your physician when treating medical conditions but if your looking for a safe effective way to keep your family healthy this may just be the thing for you. Your next step is to try it and let your body be the judge.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Homemade hair gel

If you've ever wanted a hair gel that contained no alcohol and improved the texture of your hair we have a recipe that may become your new favorite. Not only is it affordable to make but also easy!

I personally use this on my hair with wonderful results.

What you'll need to make this hair gel is:

1/4 cup of flaxseeds
3 cups water (distilled if possible) Sauce pan
wooden spoons
Inexpensive Panty hose
Sealable container


Combine the flaxseed and water in a sauce pan. Bring to a boil stir occasionally until the liquid thickens up to the thickness of a smooth gravy. Strain the flaxseeds out of the hot liquid using the pantyhose and wooden spoons. (be careful not to touch the mixture with your hands as the liquid will be hot and you can get burnt). At this point you can add your favorite essential oil if you would like a scented gel. Once you've strained it all seal the container and store in the refrigerator. Use within 3 weeks.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Let's see who's a sharp reader!

We're handing out a publication at fox plaza. It has 2 misspelled words on purpose. If you can point 1 out you get 10% off your purchase get both right and you get 25% off your purchase. Let's see how many catch the mistake :D