Sunday, July 15, 2012

Homemade hair gel

If you've ever wanted a hair gel that contained no alcohol and improved the texture of your hair we have a recipe that may become your new favorite. Not only is it affordable to make but also easy!

I personally use this on my hair with wonderful results.

What you'll need to make this hair gel is:

1/4 cup of flaxseeds
3 cups water (distilled if possible) Sauce pan
wooden spoons
Inexpensive Panty hose
Sealable container


Combine the flaxseed and water in a sauce pan. Bring to a boil stir occasionally until the liquid thickens up to the thickness of a smooth gravy. Strain the flaxseeds out of the hot liquid using the pantyhose and wooden spoons. (be careful not to touch the mixture with your hands as the liquid will be hot and you can get burnt). At this point you can add your favorite essential oil if you would like a scented gel. Once you've strained it all seal the container and store in the refrigerator. Use within 3 weeks.

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