Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Benefits of Lavender

We've all at some point heard about Lavender and commonly associate it with sleep as it has calming effect, but did you know all of it's other benefits? Aside from calming Lavender is also naturally antibiotic, antiseptic, disinfectant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. This is why it's so great for many other uses.

Here are some of the uses:

  • Acne: Lavender's properties make it a great to treat acne prone skin.  Not only does it help get rid of the inflammation but also tackles the bacteria that  cause the acne to begin with.  It also helps balance out the oil secretion from the skin so with prolonged use it can help balance out oily skin and the t zone. Making you skin less oily and having a clear and healthy look.
  • Scrapes and cuts: Ever had a paper cut or your little one fell and scraped their knee? Don't rush to get the triple antibiotic. Lavender Essential Oil can do the same job and better. Yes better! Lavender aside from soothing, reducing inflammation and fighting those germs also increases the reproduction of cells thus accelerating the healing process.
  • Headaches: Lavender when used for aromatherapy and massage can help relieve and even get rid of a headache.  It's properties help reduce tension and promote relaxation. So the next time a headache pops up, before you grad those pain killers give Lavender a try.
  • Skin Problems: Because of it's properties Lavender has proven to be a great friend to those with dry skin, eczema, itchy skin, sunburn, seborrhea, and skin inflammation. Not only does it help protect the skin but also heal in record time.

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