Monday, February 20, 2012

The Acid Mantle and how it affects you

The Acid Mantle is an acidic film on the surface of the skin. This film acts as a barrier that protects us from bacteria, viruses and other things that can contaminate our skin and body. This acid is released through the sebaceous glands. Illustration of the skin layers and the Acid Mantle. When contaminants come in contact with the skin this acid neutralizes them so they don't affect us in a negative way. When this film is stripped we no longer have this protection. At this point the PH balance of our skin is altered and if left unattended it can lead to the perfect breading ground for bacteria and other skin conditions.
 This is important to know because most of us bathe 2-3 times a day. Every time we bathe we are stripping the skin of it's oils and altering the Acid Mantle. In some cases even stripping the Acid mantle completely. Thus the reason so many of us suffer from dry itchy skin. The Mantle takes an average of 24-48 hours to fully regenerate once stripped, so as you can see when w bathe more than once a day and use a harsh cleanser our skin doesn't stand a chance.

This is where JHSC products make a difference. Unlike commercial soap found in most of our local stores, our soaps main goal is to gently cleanse the skin without the use of harsh chemicals. Commercial soaps are often made with harsh chemicals that although work great at removing dirt, grease etc. they also work great at removing the Acid Mantle. By this point you may be asking, but I use a moisturizing soap? The truth is Soap has never been intended to be a moisturizer. So we have to bust the 1st myth. Soap is meant to clean. The only reason some soaps such as ours make your skin feel less dry and healthier is because they don't strip the Mantle allowing those natural oils to stay where they belong. By doing so your skin regenerates quicker and heals it self faster. In other words your skin does what it's supposed to do on it's own.

To aid in the process of maintaining a healthy skin and protecting the mantle JHSC also makes moisturizers. These moisturizers are made with ingredients such as Shea butter witch is rich in vitamins and minerals and serves as a natural barrier to protect your skin. The beauty of Shea butter is although it's a barrier it allows your skin to breathe.  In addition we use other ingredients that are rich in vitamin E with helps the elasticity and serves as an antioxidant. When all these ingredients are combined you get a moisturizer from mother nature that is far more powerful than any chemically based moisturizer on the market today.

Our Lavender Soap made with Lavender Essential Oil. Not only known for it's relaxation benefits but also for it's antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and skin regenerating properties. This soap also contains Oatmeal witch is know for it skin soothing effects.

Why is using additional moisturizing so important? I use your soaps, isn't that enough? The answer is no. Because of all the elements our skin is exposed to and the abuse we have subjected it to we need that extra protection. If your mantle is damages you need the extra moisturizing more than ever.

Here are some signs that your mantle is in trouble:

  • Itchy skin after showering
  • Dry flaky skin
  • Cracked Skin possibly bleeding
  • Rash or red irritated skin
If you have signs of any of these #1 you need to talk to your doctor and eliminate any other serious medical conditions that can cause similar symptoms. (If your skin is cracked and bleeding, puffy and red it's even that much more important that you visit your doctor immediately. These could be signs of infection and needs to be treated right away with antibiotics.) Once those are eliminated and it's confirmed that it is indeed a skin condition you need to take the 1st step witch is changing your cleanser and moisturizer. Once you have done this here are some other steps you can take to help your skin recover.

  • Reduce the temperature of your water. When showering with very hot water not only are you irritating the skin but also activating the histamine in the body. This will cause you to itch even more. Instead shower with lukewarm water.
  • Make your showers shorter. Believe it or not water is also an irritant to our skin. For this reason we should limit our showers to no more than 15 minutes. Anything longer than that can begin to damage the mantle.
  • Shower less. If you take 2-3 showers a day you may want to consider reducing that to 1 showers a day or even every other day. Specially if you have signs of moderate to severe Eczema. This measure will allow your skin to begin to regenerate the Acid mantle and commence the healing process.

Remember the skin is the largest organ of the body, and the 1st line o protection for our internal organs. Taking care of it goes far beyond looks. A healthy skin protects us from possibly life threatening illnesses.

Our Lavender Body Butter made with Lavender Essential Oil. Not only known for it's relaxation benefits but also for it's antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and skin regenerating properties.

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