Monday, February 20, 2012

Answering Common Question

Q. I'm using the Lavender products and my skin is breaking out more. Why?
A. Lavender along with all of the other ingredients we use naturally pull out the impurities from the skin. This may cause some people who suffer from acne to temporarily break out.

Q. Are your products medication and can I substitute my meds for your products?
A. No our products are not medications. They're just good old soap and lotions made with great natural ingredients that nourish the skin. If you suffer from any particular condition you should talk to your doctor specially before discontinuing any medication or treatment.

Q. Are your products edible?
A. No, although they're made with food grade ingredients we do not make edible products nor do we recommend you eat them.

Q. Why do your products work so well on conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis and Acne?
A.  Our products are made with natural ingredients that are scientifically known to help with these conditions. We also have taken special care in the development of our recipes to ensure that they remain as mild as possible. Because of this our soaps cleanse the skin without striping it of it's natural oil witch allows your skin to balance it self faster. Please see our illustration on the Acid Mantle for a brief explanation of how our products help your skin.

Illustration of the different layers of the skin and the protective acid mantle. When this layer (protective Acid Mantle) is damaged we are prone to conditions such as Acne, Eczema, dry skin, cracked skin, infections and much more. JHSC products are manufactured with the goal of aiding the protection of the Acid mantle.

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