Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Insanity: I think I lost my marbles

This was me 8 months ago
I know many of you have hear of the Insanity Workout. This week I started my journey and lets just say I think I lost my marbles lol one must be insane to submit them selve to so much, but I'm up to the challenge :D

As some of you know this old girl has some back issues that prevent me from doing some moves but that's not stoping me. About 4 months ago I had enrolled in a Bootcamp class that hadd the same level of intensity as Insanity. During the classes there was times that those workouts got so hard I wanted to quit, cry or just have a emotional breakdown all toghether. It was those times when I realized I had to just dig deeper and push. It was that determination that got me to where I'm at now.

8 months ago I was not only over weight but some of my pre existing conditions just kept getting worst and worst. New symptoms came up and my ability to do the daily was decreasing. I reached a point in my life where I either did something about it or I would risk being crippled for good. It's this vivid memory of what life for me was 8 months ago that helps me dig deeper and push beyond what I though was posible.

So how did the wieightloss journey start? With a little insanity one day at a time :D  I did something I don't recomend but for me it was the only option. I got off the steroids and pain meds, I change my eating habits and increased my nutrition and I exersized on step at a time.

When I started to work out I was using the eliptical machine for no more than 15 min. That was all I could really handle. As the time increased I became more energetic and motivated so I did another insane move, I joined Baila Conmigo Studios and began taking Zumba classes. I say insane because all my doctors told me I would not be able to do any of the things I do now to includeZumba. It was just too much for my back and knee's to handle. According th them I should just be walking and nothing else. Like I said before I had to learn to dig deep and move past the initial pain. To my surprise in just 2 months I was not only able to do 1 hour of zumba but I was actually able to do 2 zumba classes in a row!  By this point not only did I notice my body shrinking but my back and knees got stronger too. Then insanity hits again lol. I trully lost my marble completely! Imagine one Wednesday morning I go to my 8:30 AM Zumba class at Baila Conmigo Studios to find this guy (who at the time seemed like a giant next to my 5 foot 5 in) that giant is Chris. You may be wondering what so insane about this senario, well Chris was no Zumba instructor he was there to give a Kickboxing class. I now laugh about it but that day I was terrified. In my mind that was the day I would be pulled out of there in a stretcher. To my surprise not only did I do the full 1 hour Kickboxing workout but I fell in love with kickboxing. Concidering that I'm uncordinated by nature. No exagerations about that. Being dyslexic not only am I a horrible speller but I'm uncordinated to the max. But don't feel bad for me my lack of coordination in my eyes just ads a little bit of spice and humor to my life. I've learned to embrase it and leverage it.

KT Tape
With all this going on not only did I keep shrinking but my strenght increased. I have not had any more problems with my back as my core is now able to do it's job. My knees still bother me some times but that's where KT Tape comes to the rescue. There's days that I look like a neon pink bionic woman with all the pink KT Tape I'm wearing on my knees. But I made a comitment to my self that I would not let pain stop me. I have to tell you It's paid off big time for me. It's now been 3 months since I've had to wear KT Tape. My knees have healed up so nicely and the muscles around them are so much stronger that I sometimes can't believe it my self. It is thanks to God and all of these things that now I'm able to start the Insanity workout journey. 

The Insanity workout had a bit of a rough start today lol Charle horses, I slipped and fell once (my floor is way too clean felt like my sneakers where skates lol), but I sweat like a hog, burned some calories and feel acomplished.  My 1st fit test wasn't bad but could use improvement.

Switch Kicks: 86
Power Jacks: 50
Power Knees: 80
Power Jumps: 20
Globe jumps: 9
Suicide Jumps: 25
Push- Up Jacks: 0 (the Charle Horse kicked in at this point with a vengence but I will conquer this beast)
Low Plank Oblique: 18

Lets see what 2 weeks brings along. In the mean time I have a date with my foam roller and my protein shake. In the mean time I will leave you with some pictures of my progress from Aug. of last year till Feb. of this year. The Feb. picture is what I still look like now. I took a lil bit of down time and decreased the intensity and quantity of my workouts but I've managed to maintain the weight I've lost.

My weight loss progress

1 comment:

  1. And I am a witness to this transformation. She inspired me to join a local Gym but before I could use my membership suffered a minor set back with old back injury flare up, but when done with physical therapy and doctor approval my plan is to hire a trainer for a few sessions and conquer this monster, cause the other option is pain killers, muscle relaxant ( hate both they make me itch, nauseous and feel dizzy) or surgery and sorry no one is cutting in my back unless I am lying in bed unable to do anything for myself then who care I take risk of surgery. But as long as I can move even if it in a wheelchair NO TO SURGERY. By the way by modifying my eating habit I had managed to loose over 52 pounds in about 1.5 years and managed to keep it off, docs are happy with progress and my plan with God help is to loose another 40- 60 pounds in a year or so. Having Mrs. Jone as an inspiration and coach by my side I know I will achieve this goal. PS: every now and them we may indulge in sweets since we do not believe in deprivation but learning to eat healthier and make wise food choices. Like the ADA (American dietitian association) recommend we need all food groups to fuel our body and since we did not became overweight over nite we are not going to loose all that excess of weight over nite neither and folks there is no MAGIC PILL OR DIET FOR THIS. My motto is this simple: I ATE MY WAY TO BE OBESE AND AND WILL EAT MY WAY TO LOOSE THE EXCESS WAY 1 POUND AT A TIME. By the way I am Mrs. Jones mother.
