Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ionic Detox Foot Spa

Ionic Detox Foot Spa Machine
Well After posting on Facebook about my experience with Ionic Foot Detoxing, many of you wanted to get more info on how to get a hold of the machine. The image you see here is the exact machine I have and is available on Amazon. If you click on the image it will take you directly to the amazon link.

Now let me give you a bit of info about how I started using this  method of detoxing.

After being diagnose with several conditions that required multiple meds I found my self very tired and feeling worst everyday even after taking my meds. After talking to a naturopathist (natural medicine practitioner ) I was recommended that I do a detox. Well if you know me well you know I hate pills. So the traditional detoxing method was not an option for me. That is when Google came in! I began to research alternative detoxing methods and found this. It's now been 6 years since I've been using this machine and I love the results. I sleep better, my existing medical conditions are under control, my joints are not only more flexible but the pain decreased by 90%.  I have been able to do many things I wasn't able to do.

Now you're wondering how it works. Well without getting into a science class, there's and array that is plugged in to the machine and inserted into a water bath(it doesn't have to be fancy.  Any container that will fit your feet is good enough). when we insert our feet into the water this array conducts energy into our body that helps the cells release the toxins. When the toxins are released the water changes color.  indicating the different organs that are releasing toxins at the time of the detox. See the chart bellow for info on the colors and the organs detoxing.

Detox Color Chart 

Water Color/ Detox Chart

In a nut shell this is what this machine does.  Please keep in mind that there's some people that will not be able to use this machine because of their medical conditions. This include people with pace makers, so please do your research and talk to your doctor or alternative medicine practitioner before using this method of detoxing.


  1. It’s amazing how natural elements and electronic impulses can help our body mend itself. =) However, you’re right, Mrs. Jones. My therapist always used to remind me that ionic detox foot spa is not a medical apparatus; rather it just helps to remove toxins that make us feel ill.

    Pat Hardy

  2. Yes it is Pat! I'm amazed at how well it works. Sounds like you have an amazing therapist.

  3. These medical equipment are totally amazing! I just recently saw the product description and the product reviews made it even more interesting. I guess spending 100 bucks for this piece of equipment is really worth a shot.
    - PhoenixDeventures.com

  4. Best foot massager water heated spa therapy is not merely a massage but also a relaxing that helps our body refresh physically and mentally. It helps unwind our personal sanctuary and rediscover the ultimate space of our health.
